Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully the following will answer your questions - if not please contact the office.
Index (Click on the to go to the information)
Adding Additional people to your application
Changing the primary applicant
Paying for more than one person
If you have moved house
If you have moved house since your previous application - click on the "Renew Season Ticket" button, and enter the post code from your previous house. You can then change the address.
Changing primary applicant
If you wish to change the primary applicants details - enter the original applicants details and then edit them.
Adding an additional person to your application
It is possible to add an additional person to your application, but only if their application is to be registered at the same address as your application.
Continue through the renewing season ticket process and then Click on the Edit Name/s Of Applicants..
Early Bird Discount
Early Bird Discounts are only applied to those payments that are made BEFORE the closing date. If you are staging your payments or paying for more than yourself, the Early Bird Discount ONLY applies to those applications that the full amount of monies have been recieved by the closing date.
Other applications will be charged at the full rate.
Paying for more than one person
If you wish to pay for more than one person in your household, but don't want to make the payments in one hit - please make the application for all the people in the household (wanting Season Tickets) and notify the office that the payments will be in stages.
Staged Payments
If you wish to spread your payments out that is acceptable - please contact the office to discuss. (see also Paying for more than one person, and Early Bird Payments)